
DANIKA offers FREE STANDARD SHIPPING on all orders $150+ within North America. We can ship to virtually any address in the world.

When you place your order, you can choose from a few shipping options.  You'll see estimated delivery dates listed based on shipping option chosen. Once you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provide upon checkout. 

US Orders: US orders are shipped via USPS standard 3-5 day tracked service. Orders $150+ qualify for free shipping. Orders under $150 are charged a flat rate of $7.50. Express service is also available. Please use the Shipping Calculator on the Cart page to find Express estimates based on your location. 
Please allow 1-2 extra days for order packing and fulfillment.

International Orders: International orders are shipped via Canada Post or DHL, based on your selection at checkout. Additional import, customs, and sales taxes may be added separately in accordance with your state or country's specific requirements. Please note we are not responsible for lost untracked packages due to mishandling by shipping agents worldwide. 
Please allow 1-2 extra days for order packing and fulfillment.